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Monday, May 17, 2004

My son and Smokey

The above picture is that of my son (then 3 months old) and my cat (then 6 years old). The cat, Smokey, was a precocious, friendly (mostly), and rambuctious sort.

I acquired Smokey several years ago when living in Collegedale. An ex-girlfriend owned him as a kitten, but he didn't seem much for confinement, and ran away soon after they cleaned him up. Three months later, he showed up at MY doorstep, three blocks away. To this day, I know not how he got there.

Since then, he has lived with me (until I moved to DC), and then my mom. My mom was particularly fond of Smokey.

Smokey's only problem was his temper. If he didn't get his way, he would bite you. For awhile, it seemed playful, and innocent. But two life events changed that. One as the arrival of a grandchild, my son. The above picture was indicative of Smokey's attitude toward the baby. Not once did he ever hint at biting him. But the second event led to our suspicion that Smokey might not always stay congenial towards the baby.

This past week, when we visited, Smokey bit my grandmother. This time, it wasn't so innocent. My grandmother, days later, couldn't walk. Her legs were swollen, and in pain. She actually asked to go to the hospital. Anyone who knows her knows that she would never ask to go unless she was in real pain. My grandma is better now, home from the hospital after two days.

It turns out that Smokey's bite exascerbated a previous condition. Coupled with the fears that he may bite the baby next, the decision was made. Smokey couldn't stay any longer.

Today, I called my mom in Knoxville. She was inconsolable. She had to leave Smokey at the animal shelter. If I was single, I would take that cat in an instant, but with the baby, I obviously could not.

I was in so much of a hurry this week that I forgot to say bye to my little kitty. I miss him already.


.: posted by Dave 3:41 PM

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