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Friday, May 21, 2004

Before everyone gets worked up about the Chalabi raids in Iraq, consider the facts. First, Chalabi is suspected of quite a few misdeeds, including funneling security secrets to Iran. Second, it was in fact an Iraqi judge who ordered the search:

The raids yesterday were ordered by an Iraqi Judge, Hussain Al-Moathin, after a corruption investigation linked seven questionable characters to Mr. Chalabi's party.

I've heard rumblings about conspiracies, such as this is some sort of Bush administration setup to stain the name of Chalabi. In fact, Chalabi's name is already stained (go read about the Petra Bank scandal). Raiding the offices of Chalabi is no Bush conspiracy. But then again, in an election year, and with the vitriol directed at Bush so highly escalated, anything is a conspiracy.

UPDATE: News reports are saying that the evidence against Chalabi is "rock solid". It will be interesting to see where this goes.


.: posted by Dave 7:50 AM

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