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Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Chuck Freund compares Nick Berg's murder and Abu Ghraib:

The issue becomes whether the Zarqawi horror is capable of having any effect on the Abu Ghraib matter. The probable answer is that although the murder tape obviously doesn't make pictures of prisoner abuse any less disgusting or shameful, it does offer many of those who feel disgust and shame a different context in which to perceive those images.

Context, indeed. It's sickening how many are so disgusted about the prison abuse, but they utter nary a peep about Nick Berg's beheading. Let's be frank - there is no comparison, not one, between the two misdeeds. Further, I felt less incensed after the Berg murder about the prison abuse because, quite simply, the murder illicited so much more anger in me. Had an American band of thugs murdered an Iraqi prisoner in such a barbaric manner, I would have felt the same way.


.: posted by Dave 6:18 PM

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