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Friday, May 21, 2004

SAP and My Time of Trouble:

If anyone ever tells you that they like SAP, they must work for SAP. No one else likes SAP. No one. Not one person. Even Satan hates SAP. God hates it too, but allows it to fester, much like sin. It will be thankfully eradicated come Judgment Day.

No kingdom can exist with SAP running its day-to-day operations. This is a fact ignored by King James when he published the KJV Bible. I tend to think that he was being paid under the table by SAP AG, an entity located within the borders of present day Germany.

Had there been no Dark Ages, the idea of anything like SAP would never have come to fruition. Only a group of isolated, poorly educated people could have devised a monolithic, feature-poor, and tedious ERP system such as this.

If there is a God, and I firmly believe in His mercy and kindness, He will destroy this system before any other companies are subjected to it. This is my weekly prayer, but one that has been amplified today in my encounters with it. The weekend looms; yet, I have not been able to escape this Beelzebub that is SAP. As such, I am left but to perform one more act of desperation - recite the SAP Prayer.

"Dear Lord, give me strength to fend off this nuisance until next week, when I go head to head with the Beast once again, and give me the strength to conquer it once and for all."



.: posted by Dave 4:41 PM

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