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Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Those Crazy Indians:

When Sonia Gandhi threatened to quit as head of India's Congress party five years ago, a middle-aged Delhi housewife doused herself with kerosene and set herself on fire.

"At that time, Soniaji visited me in hospital and told me never to do this again. I told her never to say she will quit again," cried Manju Sachdeva, sitting outside Gandhi's home after the Congress leader walked away from the prime minister's job.

"I'd like to remind her of that day. I could do the same thing again. Love can make you blind, deaf and even brainless."

So can fanaticism, something that many on the subcontinent seem predisposed to. Come to think of it, many Americans seem to be as well.

The question begs to be answered - will the Democrats act similarly if President Bush is re-elected? For that matter, will the Republicans do so if Kerry wins? Speaking for myself, I would have to say nothing would cause me to turn myself into a living inferno, unless if maybe Steve Spurrier returns to coaching the University of Florida football team.


.: posted by Dave 11:09 AM

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