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Friday, May 21, 2004

Today's Lesson in Personal Responsibility:

A top insurance executive racked up a whopping $28,000 American Express bill in one trip to the East Side strip club Scores.

Now Mitchell Blaser, the chief financial officer of Swiss Re's Americas unit, wants his money back - claiming in court papers that the $28,000 bill is almost as inflated as some of the mammary mecca's dancers.

Blaser and his two friends actually "only spent about $2,000," said his lawyer, Leonard Zack.

Scores spokesman Lon nie Hanover maintains Blaser went on a bosom bender.

"He partied like a rock star," buying $3,200 bottles of champagne and blowing $7,000 on strippers, Hanover said.

"If you want to live like Colin Farrell, you have to pay for it . . . The $28,000 bill is totally legitimate."

I wouldn't put it past a joint like this to overcharge, but, if they have the signature of Mr. Glaser, I don't see where he has a case. Besides, if you are going to play in the mud, you better expect to get dirty. Maybe Mr. Glaser next time will call AMEX before such an escapade and ask them to impose a limit on his spending, since he obviously doesn't have the self-discipline to do it.


.: posted by Dave 10:20 AM

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