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Friday, August 27, 2004

John O'Neill, author of the much-publicizes Swift Boat Veterans for Truth book asks John Kerry a series of simple questions in today's WSJ:

How many different ways will John Kerry devise to ask President Bush to condemn our ads and squash our book? Why, Mr. Kerry, are our charges as a 527 group unacceptable to you, while the pronouncements from 527 groups favorable to you are considered acceptable, regardless of stridency and veracity? And we do not have a George Soros, willing to drop millions into our modest group. We control our message. To date, we have received $2 million from 30,000 Americans who have donated an average amount of around $64.

Mr. Kerry, we ask you not to repeat the same mistake you made when you returned from war: Please stop maligning your fellow veterans. Dealing with us should be easy. Just answer our charges. Produce your Vietnam journal and notes, and execute Standard Form 180 so the American people can see your complete military record -- not just the few forms you put on your website or show to campaign biographers.

Why, indeed, Senator Kerry.


.: posted by Dave 9:41 AM

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