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Sunday, November 07, 2004

Slate's Paul Freedman agrees with me:

Why did states with gay-marriage ballot measures vote so heavily for Bush? Because such measures don't appear on state ballots randomly. Opponents of gay marriage concentrate their efforts in states that are most hospitable to a ban and are most likely to vote for Bush even without such a ballot measure. A state's history of voting for Bush is more likely to lead to an anti-gay-marriage measure on that state's ballot than the other way around.


More to the point, the morality gap didn't decide the election. Voters who cited moral issues as most important did give their votes overwhelmingly to Bush (80 percent to 18 percent), and states where voters saw moral issues as important were more likely to be red ones. But these differences were no greater in 2004 than in 2000. If you're trying to explain why the president's vote share in 2004 is bigger than his vote share in 2000, values don't help.

This election, more than anything, was about terrorism, and who is better equipped, and who will better defend the interests of America. President Bush demonstrated that he was more willing to do so than Senator Kerry. Indeed, this is why President Bush was re-elected.


.: posted by Dave 12:19 AM

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