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Monday, May 30, 2005

If you can't teach your young'uns good eating habits, how about spying on them instead?

As Garin Hughes picks through his school-lunch burrito and unidentifiable apple-pear dessert, he has a secret. Hidden underneath the eighth-grader's right leg is a chocolate cookie in shrink-wrapped plastic. That's for dessert. In the past, his parents had no clue when he bought a treat at school. Now, thanks to a new school-lunch monitoring system, they can check over the Internet and learn about that secret cookie.

Health officials hope it will increase parents' involvement in what their kids eat at school. It's a concern because federal health data shows that up to 30 percent of U.S. children are either overweight or obese.

"My parents do care about what I eat. They try, like, to keep up with it," said Hughes, a 14-year-old student at Marietta Middle School.

Of course, as homeschooling parents, this won't be a problem in the Opinari household, as we will simply send the kids out to play in the backyard and let them scavenge off the land.


.: posted by Dave 10:33 PM

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