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Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Yesterday's Elections:

What I've been hearing all morning is that Election Day 2005 was some sort of repudiation of the President and his policies, and the alleged scandals of his administration. Let's think about that position for a minute:

  • New Jersey went from being governed by a Democrat to being governed by a Democrat.
  • Virginia went from being governed by a Democrat to being governed by a Democrat.
  • California voted against conservative ballot initiatives.
  • San Francisco voted for liberal ballot initiatives.
  • Texas voted for a conservative constitutional amendment.

  • So let me see if I understand this correctly. New Jersey and Virginia remain as before. California shows itself to be just as liberal in 2005 as in 2004. Texas proves just how conservative it really is. And San Francisco is still the liberal enclave of the West Coast.

    So we're left with the status quo. And this is a cause for Democratic glee? Talk about lowering the bar.


    .: posted by Dave 10:39 AM

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