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Friday, December 09, 2005

Tax Cuts - It's All In the Presentation:

I hate it when I read something in the news like this.

The measure was approved a day after the House passed three other tax bills that altogether would cost the government $94 billion over five years.

This statement is obviously intended to garner sympathy for the government's "underfunded" Treasury, and to depict tax cuts as something negative.

What if the same statement was expressed differently?

The measure was approved a day after the House passed three other tax bills that altogether would cost taxpayers $94 billion less over five years.


The measure was approved a day after the House passed three other tax bills that altogether would reduce the burden on America's taxpayers by $94 billion over five years.

Do those statements strike the same chord as the first one? No, even though the facts are essentially the same. The above sentence conveys a positive, not a negative. Most people view themselves as taxpayers, and would appreciate any savings to them.

So why the difference in verbage? The answer is simple. There's an agenda in place that dictates that any news regarding tax cuts must be viewed as a negative. Admit it. The bias is there. Show me the last time an article that was not a conservative op-ed piece that depicted tax cuts as a positive step in Washington (or Austin, Nashville, or Hartford, for that matter). Go ahead. Show me. I'll bet you can't.


.: posted by Dave 11:56 AM

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