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Thursday, January 24, 2008

So, if you're a progressive, and you endorse the development of biofuels as an alternative to gasoline, but you're also deeply concerned about hunger in the third world, how do you reconcile your thoughts when you read this?

Speaking at a regional forum on bioenergy, Regan Suzuki of the U.N.'s Food and Agriculture Organization acknowledged that biofuels are better for the environment than fossil fuels and boost energy security for many countries.


Foremost among the concerns is increased competition for agricultural land, which Suzuki warned has already caused a rise in corn prices in the United States and Mexico and could lead to food shortages in developing countries.

She also said China and India could face worsening water shortages because biofuels require large amounts of water, while forests in Indonesia and Malaysia could face threats from the expansion of palm oil plantations.

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.: posted by Dave 12:24 PM

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