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Friday, June 27, 2003

Of baby names:

Well, we have finally come up with names for our first child. It's about time, huh? It shouldn't take weeks to name a child, but... I guess I am a perfectionist. We have a current family of four: Wife, Dog, Cat, Husband (read: Ami, Buddy, Calin, and Dave). As you can see, and knowing my penchant for analysis of patterns, we just had to name our child an E name. I mean... it's the pattern, right?!

So, we searched and searched, and reasoned, and opined... and here's what we came up with:

  • Boy: If it's a boy, we will name him Ethan Joshua. Ethan and Joshua are both well-liked Biblical names. This was a combination which came to me through epiphany... well, I was in the shower, and thought of Ethan Allen furniture. I have some strange epiphanies.

  • Girl: If it's a girl, we will name her Emily Ruth. Emily just seems to fit. Ruth is Biblical, too, and is the middle name of someone in my wife's family (I forget who). Ami devised this naming scheme. I don't know if she was showering or not when it came to pass.

  • So... there you have it. These are our baby names, at long last!


    .: posted by Dave 1:30 PM

    Lessons Learned:

    Yesterday was the hottest day of the year in New England. It nearly topped 100 degrees in some places. Everyone who knows me knows how miserable I am in hot weather. That being said, it was appropriate to the theme of the day when I learned at 4:20 pm that I was turned down for a job in my hometown, Knoxville, Tennessee.

    I will admit; I was sad, hurt, and angry at the same time. Why? I think I counted my chickens before they hatched. I don't really think I realized how much I wanted the position. Moreso, I don't think I realized how much I missed my hometown.

    But just when everything was looking bleak, I realized something. Through contemplation, introspection, and last, but definitely not least, prayer, I saw just how green the grass really is on this side. How can I justify complaining about a silly rejection from some insignificant company when I am surrounded by an adoring wife, terrific pets, and some very nice co-workers who respect me in every way? Instead of whining, I should have been exhorting myself to enjoy the ones around me. And a baby on the way to boot! What nerve! Who am I to complain?

    Alas, it is human nature to complain, even when things have never been better. This is a lesson that the Lord tries in vain, it seems, to teach me every so often. This time, in the heat of summer, I think something stuck. Be thankful for what you have, not regretful about what you don't.


    .: posted by Dave 1:22 PM

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